I just woke up to find this blog open on my computer. I don't remember writing any of this. Interesting story though. I seem to of peppered my friends throughout. I bet they'd be amused if they saw it. Though they might not like the fact I apparently killed them all off.
Killed Lisa off before even reaching the end of the story. She would definitely not like that.
"How could you kill your girlfriend off so early!?" I can just see it now.
Probabkly a bad idea I put her ex in here as well.
Well all in all it's a nice little story, but I'll probably keep it to myself. Good thing none of my friends know about this blog.
Heh it's funny. This blog had a heavy focus on dreams and nightmares and I actually had a weird dream last night. Probably related to this I mean it did have a pocket watch and a grey man in it. It was a man dressed all in grey standing at a bus stop. He holds out his hand and a pocket watch just falls into his hand from the sky. He opens it and watches it for a second before the bus arrives and just as it's arriving a car tries to pass it hits like a puddle or something and swerves into the side of the stopping bus. The man looks at the crash, looks back at the pocket watch and then just nods and the dream ends. Pretty weird, huh?
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