Wednesday, 11 February 2015

My Life

Anyone who may actually be reading this will probably have gathered by now that updates are not likely to be regular. My Life is fairly busy with school, working with The Archive and working with The Ordeal, plus time spent with my friends and with Catherine.

I've already talked about my life before I was supposed to. At least in the form of tiny bits and pieces sprinkled unintentionally throughout my previous posts, but allow me still to summarize who I am here and to give you the name you can call me. I am called The Voidskipper. This name was suggested by Brian who proposed it on the grounds that the void is the emptiness between universes and my dreams allow me to essentially pass through the void to see events in other universes. Originally it was going to be voidwalker, but voidskipper is slightly less overused and also speaks more of the uncontrollable and whimsical nature of the dreams. Whimsical in the sense of their seemingly completely random decisions as to what they show me not the context of the dreams themselves which are usually horrific in one way or another. So, yeah I'm the voidskipper.

My real name is Amanda Yales and that's what the people who know me in real life call me. The Voidskipper is just what I call myself here... Well by here I mean in the blogosphere. When I can't write someone's story using their own account for various reasons I write it under The Voidskipper Pseudonym and I've been leaning more towards writing everything under the pseudonym as it's easier when I don't have to try and pretend to be the person. Third person is easier to write a story in. I'd write this one in third person, but this one is actually about me by me.

So yeah that's my life. Normal stuff: Failing school, being in a relationship and  hanging with my friends.

Not so normal stuff: Writing people's stories for them when they either can't or don't want to write it themselves, reciting my dreams to a cult that worships a memory stealing monster so they can sell the information contained within for money.

Extremely abnormal: Waiting for all the above stuff to end when a group of horrific monsters eventually decide to come for me and knowing that this may in fact lead to my untimely and horrible demise.


Speaking of I think the time is coming up. Events have been occurring. Stuff that would hardly be worth noticing normally, but that I'm paying extra attention to.

A new girl has come to my school. She's in a grade below me and I've caught her watching me on occasion in the halls.

A guy has been spotted around the station the last few days. He left the first day after being informed that it was private property, but came back the next day and refused to leave until he was chased off. Just yesterday one of The Ordeal spotted him again and became enraged by his repeated transgressions and shot at him. The Ordeal member swears that he shot the man, but that the man didn't even react to the shot and simply walked away like he hadn't even noticed. There was no blood around the area and the bullet was eventually found embedded in a wall across the street. It's currently assumed that The Ordeal member had simply missed the man, but either way the man is considered a possible danger and The Ordeal are keeping people posted on guard duty at all times now and there are orders to apprehend the man if possible for question. There are no known servants, at least not that should exist in this universe, that are intangible and would allow a bullet to pass through them so the fear is that he might be one of the creatures.

Lastly people have been going missing lately at a higher rate than normal. At first it was mostly homeless people, but recently there have been a rash of children going missing and in one case a grown man left his home to pick up some cigarettes and never returned. His car was found in a parking garage unattended and no clues to his whereabouts have been found yet.

Sure there's always the possibility this is all meaningless. There may in fact be nothing going on. Even if there is something going on it might not have anything to do with me.

I hope that's the case, but I'm fairly sure it's not.

Mr. Doloro is going to be looking into the missing people anyway and on my request Patrick is keeping an eye on the new girl.

I can feel the wave growing weaker and smaller beneath me. Soon it will come crashing down...

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