Sunday, 21 December 2014

My Friends

My friends are mostly people I saw in my dreams. People who seemed to oppose the darkness and seemed interesting. I'd find some information in the dream I could use to contact them and then do so. Some of them proved impossible to contact. Either because at this point in time they were dead, or because they turned out not to exist in the same state in this universe. That's a small problem that has caused trouble at points especially with The Archive deal. Unless there's an obvious clue in the dream it's very hard to tell when my dream is of another universe and not this one. As a result on occasion The Ordeal and The Archive have gotten into arguments regarding payment for information that couldn't be sourced to a proper universe. Information like that is pretty much useless to The Archive so they tend to not want to pay for it and of course The Ordeal want them to pay anyway for the information and just piece together what universe it's from from contextual clues. Occasionally they end up paying occasionally they don't either way the deal has as of yet continued and it is kind of fun having someone who wants to hear all about my dreams. They seem to especially find interest in my descriptions of the creatures. As I understand it in my dreams I see them differently then they normally appear.

Right sorry this post was supposed to be about my friends. If I had more to say about my dreams I should have said it in the dreams post. Right so  I was only able to make contact with a few of the people I tried to contact.

As I've said two of them turned out to already be near by. I don't believe in coincidences so I choose to believe it was some sort of destiny or perhaps manipulation, by some other power. Two of those I contacted ended up working at a local school. These would be... Er had to go back to see what names I gave them. Patrick Aurelio and Mr. Doloro.

Other people I managed to get into contact with was a man who... um... I'd use the alias he gave me, but I think his Alias is more well known than he is... Should I use his real name? Or make up a new alias... or make up a new real name?

Yeah sure... Norman January. He's constantly on the move and mostly communicates with me through messaging systems, e-mail, skype, etc... He pretty much just wanders around the world saving people and fighting people. He really likes fighting people. He's had some meetings with The Ordeal in the past. Both in their new form and their old form. I generally don't tell The Ordeal about him or any of my friends. The Ordeal might not take kindly to finding out the people I hang out with are well, a seemingly free follower of the darkness known as The Manufactured Newborn and the guy who in the past has killed many of them. Yeah those runs ins Norman had with them in the past usually involved murdering their members... He... He wasn't a good guy in the past. He's one now... mostly, but yeah people don't easily forget the fact you punched their friend so hard in the throat his head popped off. Which if my dreams are to be believed, and they always are, is a thing that happened.

Norman, Patrick and Mr. Doloro were part of the group that were involved in an event. A massive event that caused mass panic and almost broke the veil that keeps The Darkness from being general knowledge. An almost Apocalyptic event occurred and those three along with a few others, all of whom are unfortunately dead or out of reach, worked together and stopped the apocalypse. The events leading up to the apocalypse that were buried in people's minds were spun into things like mass hallucinations, terrorist attacks and a strange celestial phenomenon that made it seem like the sky had become a mirror.

Other than my aforementioned friends I also have some friends in The Ordeal. There's Theo of course. He was once targeted by A creature of The Darkness called The Cold Boy and is currently the expert on The Cold Boy for The Ordeal and The Head of Contingency Group Charlie Bravo apparently. Other friends I've made in the group are Melissa, a runner from a strange form of the darkness called The Convocation. They're basically evil birds, who cause storms. She's a member of contingency team Charlie Oscar. She's the one who proposed the deal with The Archive and mostly acts as my agent. Brokering and arguing deals with them. Lastly is Brian. He's just a friend who I met and began talking with. He told me about the blogs and showed me a few of them that pertained to dreams I had had. I read a lot of them and he also convinced me to write a few. Some about events that hadn't been reported either because the person involved, died without ever getting to write about it and some simply because the person had never decided to. I'll talk more about the blog writing at a later date. It's because of him this blog exists and he's the only one I let know about it.

I made him promise not to show it to anyone else in The Ordeal and I doubt he'll tell anyone about what I say so I'm sure there's no danger of writing about stuff like my friendship with Norman.

So... Those are my friends. Oh also based on my dreams one of my new friends may in fact be god or some sort of equivalent. It never seemed quite clear though and he doesn't seem like God.

Next time I'll talk about my love.

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